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Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) is a science whose purpose is first and foremost to analyze and is used a lot in field education, psychologies, etc.

Working as a behavior specialist in a clinic for children with disabilities, we incorporated the principles of behaviour analysis in the teaching - it made a huge difference. The children in classes that were using the behavior analysis started to faster. 

ABA is not a therapy, it’s a science

Ivar Lovaas pioneered the use of behavioral analysis to improve the autonomy of autistic children, with excellent results. Although ABA methods have evolved, they are still based on encouraging the child's autonomy and fostering healthy behavior through interaction with the environment.

Behavior is everything that we do as humans.

For example if we want to teach something new, we start by analysing the behavior, figure out our next steps and reinforce every step closer to our goal.

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It’s about optimizing human behavior in a way “to make the world a better place” (B. F. Skinner)

When you work with adults, its a matter of helping them in daily life. Applying ABA and its principles correctly means relying on children's extraordinary ability to adapt to their environment and learn new things quickly. Their brains are still developing, and so will their behaviour.

I use the principles of ABA therapy because it has more impact on the child's future life.

The aim is to reinforce the behavior that will help the child to learn by itself. Problem behaviour like screaming, biting, tantrums, blows, etc. are often the result of skill deficits. Using the principles of ABA we can analyse the problem behaviour and determine which skills the child has to learn for the problem behaviour to go away. For example to be able to ask for help or simply get what they need or want.

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  • They learn in an usual / cosy environment full of toys sitting on the ground, standing up or jumping and get rewarded by getting things they specifically like according to who they are.

  • You’ll find some pieces of informations about it at the top of the page.

  • Some bad practitioners / doctors / therapists use punishment but they do not represent the medical profession of therapists who deserve to be recognized and appreciated.

  • Read more about the myths around the ABA therapy and get your own idea thanks to my article about The myths around ABA therapies

It starts with the Autism Spectrum

I often talk to parents who are stressed about their child's development and are looking to compare their progress with that of other children. Just one thing:

There are more differences between autistic children than between autistic and neurotypical children

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Children with autism sometimes have slow speach development or are non verbal - that’s why we use a specific process that teach them step by step how to express their needs. It can be words, touch ou just sounds. The aim is to establish communication.


It teaches your child to focus on the right thing. Most of the time, you must think your child is not paying attention to what you are showing him at all. Actually, he IS paying attention but to an other thing instead.


If your child has autism, it might be complicated for him to put infos he gets in the right place in his head. You must teach him to prioritize - and thus select the information that is most useful for him to remember in specific contexts.

Self Help

You're probably concerned about your child's independence. This principle will help him to take care of himself, to ask for help or to teach him concepts such as potty training.

Reducing behavior

This principle must be applied if, and only if, your child behaves in a way that endangers him or those around him. The desired result will then be to limit these armful behavior in the child's development.


Children with autism sometimes don't know how to play. Showing them how is a great way for them to learn gently, process information they've learned previously and become a little more independent when you're busy on the side.

Principles of
Early intervention

Some articles about it
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