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If you have observed certain behaviors that prevent your child from learning, developing or learning to speak, and he or she is probably autistic. So here you are, searching the net for "What are the symptoms of autism?" or "My child still doesn't speak even though he's 2 years old". What you first need to know is that

A diagnosis doesn’t automatically means your child needs therapy

Follow this action plan to find out what to do if you suspect your child is autistic

Now, if you've observed certain behaviors that show your child has difficulty learning or speaking, the first step is to go and see a specialist who will confirm this theory with a diagnosis.

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I usually dislike to categorize the behavior of the children I work with. Recognising autism ask a great sense of observation of you child but as signs of autism are simply stronger reactions of stress, it’s easy to over interpret. Actually, Autism is not a disease but takes part of a spectrum of how does the brain actually is working.

Symptoms categorized as autistic are even present in people without autism (and do not necessarily mean that it needs to be changed)

First : Visit specialists for the diagnosis

Go to your pediatrician, they are the first specialists to be able to tell if your child needs to be diagnosed.

They are the first specialist can tell you if your child needs to be diagnosed. because they know which clinic to get tested. They also have very good references and are able to point you in the direction of clinics responsible for autistic diagnoses.

Go to the clinic for a first visit, to confirm or refute your paediatrician's theory.

If your child requires a diagnosis, you will have a second appointment at the clinic for your child to be tested.

Second : Therapy or no therapy?

The clinic will advise you and return the diagnostic results to you.

If your child needs therapy, you can ask the professional where to go for therapy. Here you'll find where to go depending on your location.

Don't keep it to yourself - start talking about it and sharing it with other parents.

At ABA LAB, you'll find all the support you need if you need to get tips and tricks on daily life, to learn more on the subject, to practice and have your progress monitored by a therapist or just to share your story.

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What to do to find out if your child is autistic

Since autism is far too complex to explain (even today, science doesn't claim to know all there is to know about Autism), we cling to stereotypical behaviors that might point us in the right direction. For exemple, children with autism love repetition, they often avoid eye contact or more often can’t even speak.

The symptoms of autism are a manifestation of a different brain function

To find out more about how the autistic brain works, we no longer need to introduce editor Colette de Bruin, who, thanks to years of work with autistic people, has been able to detect and transcribe her insights into a book.

The different way in which autistic people function leads us to become aware of their degree of alertness thanks to a system called the autism spectrum, from the autistic child who doesn't speak to the gifted child who learns everything he or she wants.

With the ABA LAB application, you don't get stuck on communication difficulties. Get professional feedback on your progress and keep learning. Your little one deserves it!

Children are more likely to progress because their brains are still developing

As his or her parents, you obviously want to give your child as many chances as possible to help him or her develop. This autism spectrum will be a starting point to help you situate your child's intellectual awakening and accompany him towards autonomy.

The priority is to understand how your child’s brain is working

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With Early Intervention therapy, you can expect your child is building language

We love and accept Lucas as he is and we also want him to live his potential. My husband and I have always aimed to have a growth mindset and Linda embodies that.

When my husband Henrik first suggested ABA therapy to me, I wasn’t sure what it meant for our son Lucas or our family. We were still digesting the diagnosis, not really knowing what the future held. Henrik said that he wanted us to try ABA to support Lucas and develop his potential.

Selina Man Karlsson, Keynote Speaker, Clinical Hypnotherapist and Body Code Practitioner
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