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  • What about Autism | ABA LAB

    If you have observed certain behaviors that prevent your child from learning, developing or learning to speak, and he or she is probably autistic. So here you are, searching the net for "What are the symptoms of autism?" or "My child still doesn't speak even though he's 2 years old". What you first need to know is that A diagnosis doesn’t automatically means your child needs therapy Follow this action plan to find out what to do if you suspect your child is autistic Now, if you've observed certain behaviors that show your child has difficulty learning or speaking, the first step is to go and see a specialist who will confirm this theory with a diagnosis. Find some specialists around here I usually dislike to categorize the behavior of the children I work with. Recognising autism ask a great sense of observation of you child but as signs of autism are simply stronger reactions of stress, it’s easy to over interpret. Actually, Autism is not a disease but takes part of a spectrum of how does the brain actually is working. Symptoms categorized as autistic are even present in people without autism (and do not necessarily mean that it needs to be changed) First : Visit specialists for the diagnosis Go to your pediatrician, they are the first specialists to be able to tell if your child needs to be diagnosed. They are the first specialist can tell you if your child needs to be diagnosed. because they know which clinic to get tested. They also have very good references and are able to point you in the direction of clinics responsible for autistic diagnoses. Go to the clinic for a first visit, to confirm or refute your paediatrician's theory. If your child requires a diagnosis, you will have a second appointment at the clinic for your child to be tested. Second : Therapy or no therapy? The clinic will advise you and return the diagnostic results to you. If your child needs therapy, you can ask the professional where to go for therapy. Here you'll find where to go depending on your location. Don't keep it to yourself - start talking about it and sharing it with other parents. At ABA LAB, you'll find all the support you need if you need to get tips and tricks on daily life , to learn more on the subject, to practice and have your progress monitored by a therapist or just to share your story . Download in PDF What to do to find out if your child is autistic Since autism is far too complex to explain (even today, science doesn't claim to know all there is to know about Autism), we cling to stereotypical behaviors that might point us in the right direction. For exemple, children with autism love repetition, they often avoid eye contact or more often can’t even speak. The symptoms of autism are a manifestation of a different brain function To find out more about how the autistic brain works, we no longer need to introduce editor Colette de Bruin , who, thanks to years of work with autistic people, has been able to detect and transcribe her insights into a book. Discover her work The different way in which autistic people function leads us to become aware of their degree of alertness thanks to a system called the autism spectrum, from the autistic child who doesn't speak to the gifted child who learns everything he or she wants. With the ABA LAB application, you don't get stuck on communication difficulties. Get professional feedback on your progress and keep learning. Your little one deserves it! Children are more likely to progress because their brains are still developing As his or her parents, you obviously want to give your child as many chances as possible to help him or her develop. This autism spectrum will be a starting point to help you situate your child's intellectual awakening and accompany him towards autonomy. The priority is to understand how your child’s brain is working Want to be noticed when the app is launched? An error occurred. Try again later Congratulation! You’ll get an email to join us as soon as the app is lauched. Stay connected! Join Waitlist With Early Intervention therapy, you can expect your child is building language We love and accept Lucas as he is and we also want him to live his potential. My husband and I have always aimed to have a growth mindset and Linda embodies that. When my husband Henrik first suggested ABA therapy to me, I wasn’t sure what it meant for our son Lucas or our family. We were still digesting the diagnosis, not really knowing what the future held. Henrik said that he wanted us to try ABA to support Lucas and develop his potential. Selina Man Karlsson, Keynote Speaker, Clinical Hypnotherapist and Body Code Practitioner Visit her website Read more Start learning the principles of ABA therapy and support your child's progress effectively Be noticed when the training app is launched, I keep you posted! An error occurred. Try again later Congratulation! You’ll get an email to join us as soon as the app is lauched. Stay connected! Join Waitlist or find a specialist just here No posts published in this language yet Once posts are published, you’ll see them here. Some articles about Autism Read them all See them all

  • Contact me | ABA LAB

    Your name* Your last name Age of your child* Describe the situation* Get answered by Choose an option Ask my question Get answers to specific questions Fill the contact form on the forum Get the Conversation Started Be the first to post in this category. Create New Post Recent discussions on the blog From impossible to very possible Start learning the principles of ABA therapy and support your child's progress effectively Be noticed when the training app is launched, I keep you posted! An error occurred. Try again later Congratulation! You’ll get an email to join us as soon as the app is lauched. Stay connected! Join Waitlist or find a specialist just here Communication Imitation Matching Play Reducing Behavior Self Help Blog categories of subjects we talk mostly about...

  • Wanna write an article about Autism? | ABA LAB

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  • ABA is not a therapy, it’s a science

    Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) is a science whose purpose is first and foremost to analyze and is used a lot in field education, psychologies, etc. Read more Working as a behavior specialist in a clinic for children with disabilities, we incorporated the principles of behaviour analysis in the teaching - it made a huge difference. The children in classes that were using the behavior analysis started to faster. ABA is not a therapy, it’s a science Ivar Lovaas pioneered the use of behavioral analysis to improve the autonomy of autistic children, with excellent results. Although ABA methods have evolved, they are still based on encouraging the child's autonomy and fostering healthy behavior through interaction with the environment. Behavior is everything that we do as humans. For example if we want to teach something new, we start by analysing the behavior, figure out our next steps and reinforce every step closer to our goal. Want to be notified when the app is launched? An error occurred. Try again later Congratulation! You’ll get an email to join us as soon as the app is lauched. Stay connected! Join Waitlist It’s about optimizing human behavior in a way “to make the world a better place” (B. F. Skinner) When you work with adults, its a matter of helping them in daily life. Applying ABA and its principles correctly means relying on children's extraordinary ability to adapt to their environment and learn new things quickly. Their brains are still developing, and so will their behaviour. I use the principles of ABA therapy because it has more impact on the child's future life . The aim is to reinforce the behavior that will help the child to learn by itself. Problem behaviour like screaming, biting, tantrums, blows, etc. are often the result of skill deficits. Using the principles of ABA we can analyse the problem behaviour and determine which skills the child has to learn for the problem behaviour to go away. For example to be able to ask for help or simply get what they need or want. Want to be notified when the app is launched? An error occurred. Try again later Congratulation! You’ll get an email to join us as soon as the app is lauched. Stay connected! Join Waitlist FAQ Children have to work behind a desk when they do ABA to be rewarded by a piece of chocolate... WRONG! Usual environments They learn in an usual / cosy environment full of toys sitting on the ground, standing up or jumping and get rewarded by getting things they specifically like according to who they are. Therapy works only on children with autism. WRONG! It’s a science used in multiple fields. You’ll find some pieces of informations about it at the top of the page. We use punishment when we don’t obtain the behavior we want to see more often. WRONG! It’s about analysing behaviour. Some bad practitioners / doctors / therapists use punishment but they do not represent the medical profession of therapists who deserve to be recognized and appreciated. It's a bad thing to reinforce behavior. WRONG! Read more about the myths around the ABA therapy and get your own idea thanks to my article about The myths around ABA therapies It starts with the Autism Spectrum I often talk to parents who are stressed about their child's development and are looking to compare their progress with that of other children. Just one thing: There are more differences between autistic children than between autistic and neurotypical children Want to be notified when the app is launched? An error occurred. Try again later Congratulation! You’ll get an email to join us as soon as the app is lauched. Stay connected! Join Waitlist Read more Communication Children with autism sometimes have slow speach development or are non verbal - that’s why we use a specific process that teach them step by step how to express their needs. It can be words, touch ou just sounds. The aim is to establish communication. Imitation It teaches your child to focus on the right thing . Most of the time, you must think your child is not paying attention to what you are showing him at all. Actually, he IS paying attention but to an other thing instead. Matching If your child has autism, it might be complicated for him to put infos he gets in the right place in his head. You must teach him to prioritize - and thus select the information that is most useful for him to remember in specific contexts. Self Help You're probably concerned about your child's independence. This principle will help him to take care of himself , to ask for help or to teach him concepts such as potty training. Reducing behavior This principle must be applied if, and only if, your child behaves in a way that endangers him or those around him. The desired result will then be to limit these armful behavior in the child's development. Play Children with autism sometimes don't know how to play. Showing them how is a great way for them to learn gently , process information they've learned previously and become a little more independent when you're busy on the side. Principles of Early intervention Selina Man Karlsson Jul 9, 2023 5 min From impossible to very possible Linda is incredibly optimistic and always sees the possibilities. We worked on a number of different challenges together. Some articles about it See them all Start learning the principles of ABA therapy and support your child's progress effectively Be notified when the training app is launched, I`ll keep you posted! An error occurred. Try again later Congratulation! You’ll get an email to join us as soon as the app is lauched. Stay connected! Join Waitlist or find a specialist just here

  • ABA LAB - Autism therapy

    your child’s autonomy The place where parents can learn Early intervention to grow Early intervention to grow your child’s autonomy An error occurred. Try again later Congratulation! You’ll get an email to join us as soon as the app is lauched. Stay connected! Be sure to get noticed when the app is available Join Waitlist ABA LAB is made for parents who want to see results by learning principles of ABA Therapy. Discover all the resources I've put in place for your children Your child learns faster when you've done your homework In 2016, I obtained my Master's degree in Child and Developmental Psychology with a focus on Clinical Pedagogy and Special Education from Leiden University in the Netherlands. I then worked for two years as a behaviour specialist in a foundation for children with developmental disabilities in the areas of diagnostics and treatment. During this time I observed the benefits of early ABA therapy for children with intellectual disabilities, especially in combination with autism. I’m Linda! Who am I? A passionate ABA Therapist dedicated to parents who wants to learn ABA theory for everyday life. When I saw the impact that ABA had the development of children with autism I thought to myself: “I need to learn this!” +500 children I've help to grow Instagram Real insights of how is the life as an ABA therapist, interviews with professionals, new features available on the website, new Youtube video: a newspaper that you can daily read! Go to see Get Started Blog Learn easily more about scientific discoveries and concepts through clear explanations and video support. This channel is dedicated to parents who want to stay up to date. Go to see Get Started Forum Start to share you doubts, thoughts, discoveries or questions about your little ones and be sure to get answers from an ABA therapist or from other parents who feel you. Go to see Get Started Youtube channel Instructive videos about tips and tricks to boost your efforts into efficient teaching. All thanks to educating science that is focusing on real adaptive methods that develop potential. Go to see Get Started Training App Follow the instructions to learn the basis of ABA and get professional feedback on your videos of progress. The therapy is in your hands! Since I started working with children with autism in 2014, I have been fascinated by these children and their families. Every child is different and needs individualised treatment. I am always amazed by the progress that can be made with ABA and how much love, creativity and resourcefulness the adults have using ABA in a child's life. Therefore, I decided to specialise in this area. In 2019, I started working as a therapist in the ABA-based early intervention program at the Autism Therapy Centre Zurich at the Psychiatrische Universitätsklinik Zürich, Switzerland. In 2021, I successfully completed the Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) at Florida Institute of Technology. Since 2022 I enjoy working as a supervisor at AutiBe . Want to be notified when the app is launched? An error occurred. Try again later Congratulation! You’ll get an email to join us as soon as the app is lauched. Stay connected! Join Waitlist That’s why I created ABA LAB - a community of parents of children with autism who can speak freely and ask questions about daily life practice Help other parents by sharing your experience Publish on the Forum It must have already happened to you: suddenly you've found what works to unblock the situation with your autistic child. Share it with other parents! Every situation is different, of course, but your advice could prove useful and contribute to community goodwill. Write an article Have you won your cause, discovered something essential or found your mantra for making every day a blessing with your little one? Take a break and write your story on the subject of your choice. I look forward to reading it! Participate to an interview If you're a specialist on the autism spectrum and have a particular topic you'd like to address, please feel free to ask to be published on this platform, where you're sure to find something useful to say. I look forward to discussing your ideas with you! Get answers for specific situations Youtube I have created this learning channel for parents of autistic children to answer all the questions concerning the education of your little ones. Here, no technical jargon or extreme cases, only tips to adopt in everyday life. Check out my playlists for tips on surviving tantrums 💥, increasing eye contact 👁️, stimulating language 💬 and many more. Blog The plateform is made to parents and written by specialists, therapists and parents who wants to share their experience. The articles will explore scientific concepts, help you apply ABA Therapy learning and tell you important things you need to know to cope legally or professionally. Instagram The Instagram channel is perfect for parents wanting to get a glimpse into the life of an ABA therapist and stay notified of the latest news at ABA LAB. We'll even have the pleasure of interviewing other specialists in the field of autism. Stay tuned! Forum If you have quick questions about everyday problems, or just can't seem to get things done with your little one, you'll always find a sympathetic ear. Maybe even to give you some advice! Not to mention that you'll at least get an answer from me, if that's not wonderful...! On one hand you have everything that have been already written about on daily life with autism, specific articles of blog, etc. and on the other, you will find a Forum where you can share your experience as a parent of a child with autism. Be honest, be franc and stay positive! Take a look at the blog posts we've written with the help of other specialists, moms and me. See if we've touched on a subject close to your heart. ​ Selina Man Karlsson Jul 9, 2023 5 min From impossible to very possible Linda is incredibly optimistic and always sees the possibilities. We worked on a number of different challenges together. Lasts articles See all Communication Imitation Matching Play Reducing Behavior Self Help Blog categories of subjects we talk mostly about... Start learning the principles of ABA therapy and support your child's progress effectively Be notified when the training app is launched, I`ll keep you posted! An error occurred. Try again later Congratulation! You’ll get an email to join us as soon as the app is lauched. Stay connected! Join Waitlist or find a specialist just here

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    Forum Here we build a community of support for your children. Find your topic and start to share! #imnotabadparent #tantrums #trytosleep #charliebitme #showertime #clotheson&off #breakingbad To see this working, head to your live site. Categories All Posts My Posts Create New Post Discussions générales Follow Views Posts 0 Partagez des anecdotes, des idées, des photos et plus encore. Questions et Réponses Follow Views Posts 0 Obtenez des réponses et partagez vos connaissances. Forum - Frameless

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